Renee Rose Didier (Supernant)

Renee Didier (Supernant) was last seen on December 3rd , 2023, in Dawson Creek BC. Prior to this, she was at the Lonestar Nightlife Club in Dawson Creek. At approximately 3am, Renee was seen on camera at a local gas station. She was seen getting into a vehicle and leaving the area. At approximately 8am, Renee messaged her father asking if he was home. At approximately 7pm, Renee told a friend that she is coming over and this was allegedly over an audio phone call. When Renee did not show up, her friend allegedly tried to contact her back to no avail. No-one has heard from her since.


  • Date of Disappearance: December 3, 2023
  • Location of Disappearance: Dawson Creek B.C
  • Age at Disappearance: 40 Years Old
  • Height (estimate): 5’10”
  • Weight (estimate): 120 lbs
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Indigenous
  • Date of Birth: December 11, 1982
  • Law Enforcement Agency: Dawson Creek RCMP Constable Edwards
  • Dental Information: None to note
  • Medical Information: None to note
  • Clothing/Jewelry: Black Jacket and jeans
  • Tattoos: Lots on her arms, shoulder and some on her legs

Additional Information