Josh Slauenwhite-Located

Name :




Our deepest condolences go out to the family of Joshua Maxwell Slauenwhite who was
found deceased on December 11, 2020.

Joshua was last seen on August 4th, 2017, at a convenience
store in Farmington Nova Scotia.   He left on foot, walking towards
New Germany.   Leading up to his disappearance, Joshua
Slauenwhite had endured a nightmarish four years.  He had fought
to overcome an addiction to prescription painkillers, overcame two
suicide attempts and multiple stays at the South Shore Regional
Hospital’s psychiatric unit.  But it seemed to his mother that for a
period of seven months her boy was starting to overcome
schizo-affective disorder, a condition encompassing both
schizophrenia and bipolar disorder symptoms.  He was painting
again, regaining his quirky sense of humor and feeling
increasingly optimistic.
But on the afternoon of August 4th, between 2:00 and 3:00 pm, he
purposely walked off the family property in Farmington,
Lunenburg County.  Moments before that, Slauenwhite had
declined his mother’s invitation to join her for a trip to Bridgewater.
Surveillance camera footage from a nearby convenience store,
captured the same day he disappeared, is all his mother and the
RCMP have to go on.  Slauenwhite purchased cigarettes, an
energy drink and a sandwich before he left the store.  He has
not been seen since.
Joshua’s family is concerned for his well being. He has been
known to wander off before, but he was always found and
returned home safely.
Joshua’s sister had received a text message from him 1 week
prior to his disappearance.  She has also sent a few Snapchat
messages to Joshua in June of 2019 that have all be ‘opened on
his end.  She has reported this to the authorities but hasn't gotten
any help in finding out if it is Joshua opening these messages or if
someone else is using his phone and account.  His email and bank
account hasn't been used since his disappearance.
It is believed that Joshua had regular contact with his wife in Red
Deer and that he was trying to make amends with her and regain
his marriage.

Case :


Date Of Disappearance : August 4th 2017
Location Of Disappearance : Bridgewater Nova Scotia
Age At Disappearance : 29 Years Old
Height (estimate) : 6'4"
Weight (estimate) : 170-200 lbs
Hair Colour : Dark Brown
Eye Colour : Brown
Gender : Male
Race : Caucasian
Date Of Birth : June 29th 1988
Law Enforcement Agency : Bridgewater Police-Nova Scotia Detachment
Areas Searched/Tips


Police searched with cadaver dogs behind mothers house, which is a big open field and wooded area.
Followed by another search 2 days later of the entire wooded
area on mothers road.  Family and volunteers searched Cornwall
road area.

Unconfirmed sighting on Cornwall road across from Maders store.


Dental Information :
Medical Information :
Diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder
Was taking medication for this
Notable Identifiers : Short beard and mustache

Birth mark on his belly

Clothing/Jewelry : Dark navy blue shirt, black shorts (silk), black

Cell phone and wallet never recovered.
Carrying a black laptop bag.  Left with art supplies and cell phone

Tattoos : 1 on his right forearm that says Yoshi

‘Love and Hate’ on his hands

Feather on his leg

Additional Photos