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Ryan Shtuka

Ryan Shtuka disappeared on February 17, 2018, while at a party in Sun Peaks, British Columbia. On February 16, Ryan had left home after work and went with his roommates to a local pub for a Silent Disco event. The group later left the pub and went to a house party, located just a few minutes away from their residence. The night of the party saw a snow storm hit the area. When his roommates left the party on Burfield Drive at around 2:10 a.m., Ryan was seen standing up. They believed that he would follow behind. When he failed to return home and didn’t turn up for work later that same day, they called police. Ryan has not been active on social media or cellular networks since his disappearance. Did Ryan get lost and succumb to the elements, or was foul played involved? Ryan’s case was featured on Season 3 Episode 12 of Paramount’s Never Seen Again.


  • Date of Disappearance: February 17, 2018
  • Location of Disappearance: Sun Peaks B.C
  • Age at Disappearance: 20 years old
  • Date of Birth: March 17, 1997
  • Height: 6’0″
  • Weight: 180 lbs
  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Caucasian
  • Investigating Agency: Kamloops Royal Canadian Mounted Police: 250-828-3000
  • Dental Information: None to note
  • Notable Identifiers: None to note
  • Medical Information: None to note
  • Clothing/Jewelry: Dark blue Jeans, grey/ white shirt, blue coat and burgundy ball cap
  • Tattoos: None to note

Additional Information

Areas of Burfield Drive and various locations near the resort have been searched. Police utilized an RCMP helicopter, dog team, and dive team to aid search efforts. In addition to the preliminary searches conducted by police, hundreds of volunteers have conducted many searches.                


August 11, 2023 True North True Crime Podcast

Ryan Shtuka

Missing Ryan Shtuka Facebook

December 1, 2022 / CTV NEWS “Mom writes best selling book”

February 17, 2023 / CFJC Today

March 24, 2024 / The Cinemaholic


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